Black Friday claims the lives of 3 people in the good old US. One of those 3 unfortunate souls was(as you can all guess) a Wal Mart temp. employee at the age of 34. He was stomped by the 5am crowd that rushed the doors leaving the poor guy no […]
Monthly Archives: November 2008
Lots of turkey, food, beer, family and football what a tradition! Enjoy it and be save!
Happy Thanksgivings!
Match against [MG]2 / MurderGrounds2 on 19.11.2008 League:
DoD:S CAL-O S10 Week 2
Match against BOGUS / The Space Jam Soundtrack on 12.11.2008 League: CAL Result: 1:0 dod_coire_rc3 1 : 0 tA. Team: BOGUS Team: CAL-o S10 Regular Season Week 1 FF Win. [URL=index.php?site=clanwars_details&cwID=5]Match Details[/URL] [TOGGLE=CAL-O Results (extended)] CAL-Open S10 Week 1 11/12/08 Results: =A82A= AllAmericans 1-0 Só pinicu voando peanuts 514-301 Asylum […]
DoD:S CAL-O S10 Week 1
Its November 11th and its Veterans Day. This is the time for all of us to look back in the past and thank all of those who fought fair and heroic and gave their lives for a good cause. R.I.P.
Veterans Day is here!
CAL S10 Pre-season is done after 3 weeks of play and now the regular season is about to start. The map selection is good and with some more practice our cal-o team should be able to pull some wins. Week 1 is this coming week on Wednesday(11/12) and the map […]
Pre-season is over
Writen by: Ben “Klown” Ross **As with all my Tweaks and Tip, I HIGHLY recommend you backup your Day of Defeat : Source folder or atleast your cfg folder and ALL its contents (Not just the .cfg files). I am not responsible for anything you mess up even if you […]