About time…

Yeah been a while since I ve posted anything. Well let me get down to business. In CAL we won our 1st 3 matches ([-TA-] 463-212 -187th-, [-TA-] 840-15 [RH], [-TA-] 1201-99 ArepaGaming) and we got the match against [RH] overturned because one of our guys ran his ACC after loading DoD… So we are 2:1 so far. Here is what gotfrag predicted for us before the match against ArepaGaming:
(source: http://www.gotfrag.com/dod/story/40276/?spage=2)

Arepa Gaming < Total Annihilation (131 – 527)

Arepa Gaming is a Venezuelan organization who has stuck around competitive DoD regardless of the numerous humerous loses they have suffered with. These guys scrim fairly often, but have yet to improve much.

Total Annihilation is another one of those pub clans who would scrim 3v3 and TPG literally all day, without improving on their performance with fairly decent teams. Now, these guys have decided to pick up a few notable players, some unknown until now, and are able to put quite the performance against some teams. They went far in last season’s playoffs, and are expected to do wellthis season.

A notable player from TA is chicagolegend, who was unsuccessful in recreating osK this season. Putting this kid in the middle flag area will provide to be very useful against Arepa. The other two rifles who have become amazing overnight are mensen and styxx. These two guys should be able to maintain control of long and middle for the entire match. Arepa’s Cartman is an okay sniper, and should be able to slow down TA’s offense at the middle. If Arepa wants to cut down the score a little, then support better be available to keep this sniper from carrying the entire team. TA should win this by a landslide in the end.

In TPG6v6 mid we lost our 1st match against g4n because we didn’t have our sniper ([-TA-] 81-281 g4n) but we won the next one by 764 to 130 against Px2 on harrington. This Sunday we are versus [K-2] on good old donner.

In TPG3v3 Upper the season for [-TA-] is over. After amazing previous season we sucked ass due no shows curtsey of our starters. We ended up with the all time worst record for us (2-5). [-TA-]2 did awesome continuing their impressive run from last season and now they are in the Upper semi-finals with a record of 6-1 facing [K-2]. Match will be played on Monday 9.30pm EST and we will have our HLTV running. In 3v3 Lower [-TA-]3 managed to make it to the playoffs even though they never had a stable roster. They lost in the 1st round of playoffs because they got out camped… They had the skill level on their side but they failed in getting those tents on sale from Wal-Mart… But anyways great season guys! [-TA-]3 never made it to the playoffs before so you guys did a great job even though you never had the needed support that the 2 upper teams get.
That covers it for now. Also on another note I ve been working on some improvements on our Pub server (since we are a “pub clan” according to gotfags..uh i meant gotfRag).