Happy Thanksgivings All! Enjoy all that food and drinks, the game and the not so bad company:) Be safe and Cheers!
Like every other avid PC gamer with a pretty decent Dual Core system I’ve had “some” troubles enjoying Call of Duty: Black Ops. And like you have all done it I have spent a considerable amount of time (not at work…has been so busy, which makes it even worse) searching […]
CoD: BO Fix your Choke/Lag/FPS (+ Dual Core fix)
We are happy to announced our brand new Call of Duty: Black Ops Ranked 18 slots Public Server! Name: 420 Chill Zone :: HC SnD IP/port: Slots: 18 Ranked Location: Chicago, IL (Center)
CoD: BO Ranked Pub Server!
Enjoy the holiday and watch that sugar level! [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a2/Jack-o%27-Lantern_2003-10-31.jpg/610px-Jack-o%27-Lantern_2003-10-31.jpg[/IMG]
Happy Halloween!
Here is the latest single player teaser from the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops game developed by Treyarch.
CoD:BO Single Player Teaser
Thanks to Gametrailers.com and IGN I can present you with the CoD: Black Ops Multiplayer teaser and breakdown/analysis videos released a week ago. They can only give us hope that Treyarch will get it right hopefully make us less hateful of what Activision did with the release of MW2. MP […]
CoD: BO Multiplayer Teaser and more
All BFBC2 owners who got the game through Steam now have access to the Medal of Honor Beta! Here is the link to the steam download: [url]steam://install/47770 Enjoy!
Medal of Honor Beta Access for BFBC2 Steam Owners
Here is the breakdown of the new Call of Duty 7 Reveal Trailer brought us by IGN Rewind Theater. Enjoy:
CoD: Black Ops Reveal Trailer Breakdown by IGN
Well folks here is the full CoD: Black Ops Reveal Trailer that debuted few days ago. Looks interesting but if you ask me looks like the next Call of Duty game will be pretty much the same as the old expect some new skins, weapons, maps and hopefully none of […]
CoD: Black Ops Reveal Trailer
IGN Rewind Theater is once again here to the rescue of the hard core fans of the CoD series that can not wait to get latest scoop on the newest member of the franchise. Here is the breakdown of the debut trailer of Call of Duty: Black Ops: