dod1.3 is out of CAL

CAL is canceling season 15 for dod1.3 as of today. We had a good season guys and I am proud of making it into CAL-im and doing so good in it too. There is nothing else to say.
gg CAL…

Season 15 Cancelled
We regret to inform you that this season of CAL DoD 1.3 has been cancelled as the community has reached a level of inactivity that it is unacceptable, and has made it impossible for us to continue this season and playoffs. We wish you the best of luck in your future gaming endeavors and thank you for last six years of support that you have shown both CAL and the CPL. We will consider hosting future DoD 1.3 divisions if we feel the community is ready to return to active and competitive play.

Posted by Eric Sears on Fri, Jan 5, 07 at 17:45