Match against TT / Triple Threat on 05.31.2009 League:
Yearly Archives: 2009
Match against TSK / The Suicide Kings on 05.25.2009 League:
L4D CEVO Tourney Rnd2
Match against tcf / Texas Corpse Fuckers on 05.21.2009 League:
L4D CEVO Tourney Rnd1
Yes and no… here are the details off CEVO website: [quote]CEVO LLC (CYBER EVOLUTION) is excited to announce open registration for the DoD 1.3 & CS:CZ Tournaments. Both tournaments will be using the double-elimination format. Registration will open starting Monday, May 4th and close on Sunday, May 31st with Round […]
DoD 1.3 back in CEVO
I am pleased to announce that our Left 4 Dead Team will be taking part in the CEVO Survival Tourney. Many thanks to garrettofpwnage who is putting the final touches to our CEVO roster and who is also going to be our team manager. Here is the line up for […]
L4D CEVO Tournament
I am happy to present you a set of tA. themed Wallpapers courtesy of t3ch` . Here area few snapshots and if you would like to go ahead and put them on your desktop then just head towards t3ch_wallpaper(1152×864): [img]×864).jpg[/img] NEW_t3ch_wallpaper2(1920×1200): [img]×1200).jpg[/img]
tA. themed Wallpapers
I am happy to announce that the long awaited Day of Defeat 1.3 tA movie is a reality. The person to blame for is James “t3ch`” S. and the result is pretty good. Thank you for the hard work t3ch` and the sweet outcome! The movie can be downloaded off […]
The tAmovie is here!!!
***This works only for Windows based Ventrilo clients.*** The idea behind that volume normalization is to make everyone in vent the same volume. No matter how loud your mic is or your setting are after you enable this you should sound just right for everyone else. So here is the […]
Vent Normalization
This is what you need to know if you are willing to jump in the internet relay Chat World and explore “new oprtunities” uknown for you up until this very moment. This tutorial will help with setting up your mIRC Client and joining GameSurge IRC Network. First step is to […]