Match results…

[-TA-] managed to pull a twofer on [K-2] in TPG6v6 and 3v3 in last couple of days. In TPG6v6 mid our team did a great job on donner holding the mid and getting their k:d ratios up in the 80%. The final score was 73 to 43 for us. With that our team is now 2 and 1.
In the other match against [K-2], TA’s second team in 3v3 Upper delivered boring and bad 1st half followed by a total domination and great team work during the second half. That combo scored them 471 to 229 and put them in the Finals for the TPG3v3 Upper title. They are going to be facing EMT! since they “somehow” managed to win against the “ubber 1337” UiS team led by all-star.