No starters no playoffs…

Unfortunately we lost our both Playoffs matches in TPG middle and CAL upper due to missing 2 of our starters. In TPG we lost against g4n since we had to play them with 5. They didn’t agree on using a ringer from our [-TA-]2 team. In CAL we lost against Iron Haymen but at least we put up a fight. The good news is that we are still not out of the playoffs for CAL. Now we are going to play in the lower playoffs against Amigos. It should be a good match and there will be a HLTV up.
In IGL we got a ff win against aimless.
In TPG3v3 pre-season [-TA-] won against mlk and [-TA-]2 won against Sp3c|. The 3rd [-TA-] team lost against FactaNonVerba since they had only 2 guys on. The map was horrible and we all hope that we don’t have to be playing it again.