TPG3v3(S11) Upper Champs!

Yeah, TA gets the title but thats no surprise since both TA and TA2 teams made it to the finals. The title went to TA2. It was a cap for cap match on dod_carta_clan2 and TA2 showed more determination and got the Win. Congratulation CHRONIC, mensen and Gooch. With that season 11 for TPG3v3 is over and the new season is just around the corner. TA 1st team finished this season with 9 and 1 and 8-0 in the regular season! GJ to broken-silence, styxx and illidan!

In CAl-M out 1st match was overturned since we had a guy with a missing 1half demo… Yeah not the first time we get points taken for some stupid reason. But rules are rules and there is nothing you can do about them. Witht hat said tonight our CAL-M team is facing osk. on dod_chemille in week 2.

“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.” – Mark Twain