In TPG both of our Upper and lower team managed to get a lost. Our Upper team lost against nihilist and right now there is a pending dispute. With that they are record is 1 and 5. Our 2nd mid team got an ff win and a makeup right away […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
The map was dod_anzio and TA plated against [SKULL] in week 4 for CAL M. Our guys had no problem scoring big and having control over the map. Final score 467-142. With that we achieved our “official” 1st cal m win. Witht hat we are 1 and 3 and next […]
1st official victory in CAL
As of today the website reached over 20 000 hits! We are hoping to score double that count in the next year! With that said 20000 hits did not help us to get out 3rd “L” in CAL-M. It was a close match against dpk on dod_lennon_b2. After winning […]
20000 Hits and 0 for 3
In CAL-M last week after the very controversial 1 half start TA lost against osk. And now is facing dpk in week 3 of the regular season. It will be a though battle on lennon and the better team will win. Something that we cannot say about the previous 2 […]
More match results
Yeah, TA gets the title but thats no surprise since both TA and TA2 teams made it to the finals. The title went to TA2. It was a cap for cap match on dod_carta_clan2 and TA2 showed more determination and got the Win. Congratulation CHRONIC, mensen and Gooch. With that […]
TPG3v3(S11) Upper Champs!
Yeah, 1st Win ever for us in our 1st CAl-M regular season. The map was dod_railroad2_b2 and TA had no problems taking over and scoring 433 pts against 246pts for DtH?. With that we are 1 and 0 in CAl M Season 18. GJ guys! And here is what gotfrag […]